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When it first appeared, it made me feel insecure and I felt uncomfortable.

Despite being a skin therapist, I didn’t realise my eczema was eczema until a doctor told me. It first started flaring about four months ago. I’m not sure why, but I think it could be linked to stress, or beauty products I’ve been using on my face. When it first appeared, it made me feel insecure and I felt uncomfortable leaving the house or going to work where people would be looking at me.

I’ve realised the flaws that make you feel insecure often go unnoticed by others.

My boyfriend has been so supportive over the last few months, telling me I’m beautiful the way I am. I’ve realised the flaws that make you feel insecure often go unnoticed by others. The best things I can do are to manage my eczema with moisturiser, and to work on having confidence in the way I look, eczema and all.